Thursday, October 6, 2016

4 life changing books

The Secret
, by Rhonda Byrne

I'm sure you've probably heard about this best-selling book a million times before, but I couldn't not include it. "The Secret" was kind of my gateway drug into the self-help/personal development space. It introduced me to the law of attraction and taught me how powerful our thoughts are in creating our reality. The technique seems almost too simple—you basically declare your desire to the universe and really believe you already have it—but, it works for me.

The Power of Habit, by Charles Duhigg

The key to changing your life is to change your habits and "The Power of Habit" makes easy work of such a seemingly impossible task. Packed with scientific research, the book explains how habits work and—more importantly—how you can change them in order to improve your quality of life forever. I credit this particular title with helping me kick a daily Pepsi-drinking habit I had been trying to quit for years.

You Can Heal Your Life, by Louise Hay

Louise Hay's "You Can Heal Your Life" isn't just a book, it's an experience. Hay (a.k.a. the queen of affirmations) believes that your mental patterns create disease in the body and that by changing those negative patterns you can heal anything. Whether you're struggling with minor aches or more serious and complicated afflictions, Hay helps you get down to the root cause and sprinkles positive affirmations throughout that will help replace negative thoughts with pure self-love.

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff, by Richard Carlson

Although I read "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" almost a decade ago and don't remember much of it, there is one tool from the book that I use on a daily basis... When one of life's inevitable little bumps arise (i.e. someone cuts you off while driving), instead of getting all worked up over it ask yourself: Will this matter a year from now? The answer will most likely be no. Asking yourself this simple question really puts things in perspective and makes it easy to just let the little things go.

The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle

Thanks to its powerful and life changing message, this Oprah-approved book is well worth the time investment. Philosopher Eckhart Tolle believes that the key to happiness is to live in the now. When we dwell on the past or worry about the future, we're ignoring the present moment, which is all we really have.
Are you a self-help reader? Any other recommendations for me?

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